Teams working together

How Co-managed IT Services Can Enhance Your IT Team

In the current business landscape, IT teams are often the unsung heroes, working tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure businesses run smoothly. Yet, these teams are frequently stretched thin, tackling everything from complex systems management to unexpected cybersecurity threats. This is where co-managed IT services can be a game-changer!

Co-managed IT services is a model that allows businesses to team up their internal IT squad with an external Managed Services Provider (MSP). Imagine this like a tag-team partnership, where it takes both partners to win. This team-up helps businesses strengthen their IT capabilities without the hefty costs of hiring additional full-time staff members.

6 Ways Co-managed IT Services Can Add Value to Your Business

Plugging the IT Talent Gaps

Finding skilled IT professionals is a real struggle for many companies. In fact, a study from ManpowerGroup found that roughly 75% of employers face challenges in filling open positions and locating the necessary talent. Co-managed IT services can help overcome this hurdle by supplementing your internal team with experienced external professionals ready to grapple with any task at hand.

Providing Relief to Overwhelmed IT Staff

IT teams can have a lot on their plate – from troubleshooting technical issues to rolling out system updates. It’s like they’re serving at a buffet, but the line of customers never ends. Co-managed IT services can step in here, handling routine tasks and allowing your in-house team to focus on strategic business goals.

Filling in the Knowledge Gaps

No one knows everything, not even your IT team. Co-managed IT services can provide specialist knowledge in areas where your team may need more expertise, ensuring you’re never left behind in this ever-changing technology landscape.

Supporting Large-Scale Projects

Imagine trying to move a grand piano up a flight of stairs by yourself – daunting, right? That’s what handling large-scale IT projects can feel like. Co-managed IT services offer additional manpower and expertise, making these herculean tasks manageable and efficient.

Strengthening Your Cybersecurity

Did you know, according to Cybersecurity Ventures, it’s projected that cybercrime will cost the world $10.5 trillion annually by 2025? Not all IT teams are fully equipped to deal with the constantly evolving cyberthreats. Co-managed IT services can provide the needed expertise to enhance your business’s cybersecurity protocols and defenses.

Faster Resolution of IT Issues

Handling IT issues can often feel like a relentless onslaught coming from every direction. With co-managed IT services, you’re not facing these problems alone anymore. You have the backing of a larger, skilled team that steps in to manage and swiftly resolve any issue coming your way. This teamwork enables smoother and more efficient business operations.

Optimizing Your IT Team: The Next Step

If your IT team is juggling too much, or you feel some areas could use a boost, co-managed IT services could be your answer. Consider a partnership with a Managed IT Service Provider like GB Tech. Use as much or as little resources as you need, and enjoy the flexibility of a supported IT department ready to take on the future and beyond.