Cloud computing grants small businesses many benefits.

How Does the Cloud Work, and How Does It Benefit Your Business?

Cloud computing is here to stay. If you think this is just another fad, think again.
Cloud services are squished by fingers.

From Obscurity to Ubiquity: How the Cloud Became A Tech Essential

If the internet is the global network of connected computers and devices – the information superhighway – then the cloud is the transfer station.
GB Tech Cloud Computing WP

The Cloud: Why It’s More Important than Ever

The cloud is an ever-expanding technology that has revolutionized not only the internet but the way businesses function.
Managed services is like a pre-flight checklist for business.

The managed services pre-flight checklist

The right managed services provider (MSP) is your technology co-pilot.
Server restoration as a part of a BDR plan.

Hurricane Harvey and Other Disasters: Why Your Business Needs a BDR Plan

Companies with a BDR (backup and disaster recovery) plan minimized their losses during Hurricane Harvey.
managed IT services gets MMA treatment.

Title Fight: Break/Fix vs. Managed IT Services

The ideal state of technology for most businesses is one that drives them to their business goals, propels them into the future and helps them compete in their market.
An old man didn't use data backup best practices.

How to Prepare Your Business for Unexpected Disasters

If we learned anything from Hurricane Harvey, it’s that preparation is never regretted.
GB Tech Managed Services WP
A human makes a data backup mistake.

Data Backups and the Erroneous Behavior of Your Employees

The number one threat to your business’s data is your employees.
Data loss on a hard drive.

Data Loss Disasters: Bad Decisions Revisited

There are a number of ways a simple employee mistake can cause irreparable damage to your business, and these mistakes happen at all levels of business despite the position or experience